Petals are imbricated or overlapped as informal double, but opening to reveal stamen display in a concave center.
Camellia 'Annie Wylam' AGM
Vigorous, compact, upright, evergreen shrub, valued for luxuriant rich green foliage and peony to ro..
Camellia 'Baby Face (Fish)'
Small Rose formal doubleFlower Colour: Small Rose formal doubleFlowering Time: Spring Scented: No ..
Camellia 'Black Dragon'
Flower Colour: Deep red, rose formFlowering Time: March Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres..
Camellia 'Coed'
Large Pink rose-form double to formal double, Nuccio's Nurseries (USA) 1959. Ex Mt EdcumbFlower Colo..
Camellia 'Diddy Mealing'
Pendulous evergreen shrub, valued for luxuriant rich green foliage and medium, rose form to formal d..
Camellia 'Dr Balthazar de Mello'
Evergreen shrub, valued for luxuriant rich green foliage and medium, rose form double white striped ..
Camellia 'Duc de Bretagne'
Evergreen shrub, valued for luxuriant rich green foliage and medium, rose form double, cherry red fl..
Camellia 'Florence Stratton'
Vigorous, bushy, evergreen shrub, valued for luxuriant rich green foliage and medium to large, forma..
Camellia 'Galaxie'
Evergreen bushy shrub valued for luxuriant rich green foliage and rose-form to formal double flowers..
Camellia 'Giardino Franchetti'
Evergreen shrub with vivid rose formal double flowers with carmine stripes and white imbricated edge..
Camellia 'Helen Bower'
Rose-red, large, rose-form double. Prefers sheltered site, sunny or shade, and any well drained neut..
Camellia 'In The Pink'
Flower Colour: Salmon-pink, rose-form doubleFlowering Time: Spring Scented: No Ultimate Height : ..
Camellia 'Julia Hamiter'
Average, compact, evergreen shrub, valued for luxuriant rich green foliage and delicate blush pink t..
Camellia 'Kumasaka'
Vigorous, compact, evergreen shrub, valued for luxuriant rich green foliage and rose pink, medium, r..
Camellia 'Lady Campbell'
Vigorous, compact, upright evergreen shrub, valued for luxuriant rich green foliage and medium, rose..
Camellia 'Lena Jackson'
Blush pink, medium,rose form to semi-double. Medium, bushy growth. M. Prefers sheltered site, sunny ..
Camellia 'Leona Superba'
Bright red, rose, formal, small. Prefers sheltered site, sunny or shade, and any well drained neutra..
Camellia 'Mabel Pauline'
Blush pink, large, rose form double. Prefers sheltered site, sunny or shade, and any well drained ne..
Camellia 'Mathotiana'
Crimson, sometimes with purple cast. Very large, rose form to formal double. Vigorous, compact, upri..
Camellia 'Miss Tulare'
Large rose-form double to peony, deep rose/red flowers on a vigorous evergreen bush. Leaves dark and..
Camellia 'Nuccio\'s Cameo'
Dense, upright, evergreen shrub, valued for luxuriant rich green foliage and large, coral pink, rose..
Camellia 'Shocking Pink'
Medium, compact, upright-growing evergreen shrub with tyrian rose pink, rose-form to formal double f..
Camellia 'Sieurre de Bienville'
Deep rose pink sport of Florence Stratton. Prefers sheltered site, sunny or shade, and any well drai..
Camellia 'Silver Moon '
Vigorous semi-upright evergreen shrub. Valued for luxuriant rich green foliage and large, formal dou..
Camellia 'Spring Festival'
Masses of soft pink, small, rose-form flowers. Growth very upright. Relatively small dark green ever..
Camellia 'Spring Frill'
Evergreen shrub, valued for luxuriant rich green foliage and masses of bright pink, semi-double to r..
Camellia 'Swan Lake'
Upright, rich green, evergreen shrub, with large, rose-form ruffled double, white flowers with golde..
Camellia 'Sweetheart'
Sport of Bleichroeder Pink - Soft apricot pink, occasionally marbled white. Medium, rose form double..
Camellia 'Thelma Dale'
Phlox pink form of Mrs Baldwin Wood.. Prefers sheltered site, sunny or shade, and any well drained n..