There are many Camellia species in the wild in Asia and they typically have large numbers of relatively small
single white flowers with a special charm all of their own. They are perhaps best compared with the wild dog rose with its
5 petals and golden stamens.
Their twigs are thin and bendy, so the plants are much less stiff, and their leaves are correspondingly more delicate.
Camellia cuspidata
Dainty flowers, white, single, with golden stamens; leaves pointed and narrow-elliptic, leathery; gr..
Camellia fraterna
Medium-sized evergreen shrub with grey-green smallish leaves and dainty single white flowers, slight..
Camellia grijsii
Medium-sized evergreen shrub with leathery leaves and single white flowers. Petals narrow, so do not..
Camellia grijsii Zhenzhu Cha
Vigorous, upright, evergreen shrub, valued for rich green foliage. Double form. Small white flowers,..
Camellia henryana
Single whiteFlower Colour: Single whiteFlowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres..
Camellia japomica ssp rusticana Snow camellia
Bushy, upright, evergreen shrub, valued for luxuriant rich green foliage and dainty, pale cherry pin..
Camellia lutchuensis
Vigorous, upright, evergreen shrub, valued for rich green foliage and delightful, dainty white flowe..
Camellia oleifera
Species with small, white flowers with a boss of golden stamens, valuable for autumn flowering and t..
Camellia pitardii
Single pale pink to white. Vigorous, upright, evergreen shrub, valued for luxuriant rich green folia..
Camellia pitardii hybrid Snippet
Semi-double, pink fading to white, golden stamens. Vigorous, upright, evergreen shrub, valued for lu..
Camellia pitardii var. yunnanica
Singe pink white fowers Prefers sheltered site, sunny or shade, and any well drained neutral/acid so..
Camellia rusticana Benten
Red single. Variegated leaf (rusticana)Flower Colour: Red single. Variegated leafFlowering Time: Spr..
Camellia saluenensis
A beautiful medium to large shrub somewhat similar to reticulata but with smaller leaves and medium-..
Camellia saluenensis Apple Blossom
White, pink flush, singleFlower Colour: White, pink flush, singleFlowering Time: Spring Scented: N..
Camellia sinensis The Tea bush
Grown widely in India and China, this is the plant whose dried leaves go into your teapot. Evergreen..
Camellia transnokoensis
Vigorous, upright, evergreen shrub, valued for luxuriant rich green foliage and small single white f..
Camellia tsaii
Flower Colour: White, single, daintyFlowering Time: Spring Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 met..
Camellia vernalis (japonica x sasanqua)
White, single. This species has been used as a parent of a number of the C. sasanqua hybrids. Prefer..